Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Thursday 1st January 2015 Part 2.


So here I am, walking down my empty neighbourhood.


Well, yeah the Archangel will follow me around and make sure I.
Well, make sure I don't disobey him.


Oh also, I don't need to talk verbally to him, he can read my journal through, oh I don't know, mind powers or something.

So, if you are here to guide me, where do I go.



So the Archangel showed me something, weird, to say the least.
He showed me doors which lead into another dimension called the empty city. Although he described it as a Timor. So anyway, The empty city usually lets people in but not out. Then it, feeds on them or something. I'm not sure. Anyway, Because the Archangel is so..


Yeah, influential, He was able to convince the city to let me pass. So now instead of travelling on foot, It will let me through if I ask it. But it won't be easy according to the archangel. He said that the city wants to test me. I can leave any time I want but if I leave before I get to the exit then I will be let out in anywhere. So in other words I could want to go to America but get freaked out and end up in the middle of the sea. And it had one more rule. I'm not allowed to interfere with any of it's food I will be trapped there forever. So yeah.

well luckily for me, the first fear I have to face is the puer innominatum.  I'm gonna call it Puer. It's down in Glasgow, which isn't that far away. So I guess I'll head down there.


So. About not using the empty city today. We've just wondered across, zombies.


Oh' caps. What's upp with that.


Oh' Ok. So, Scarlet marked are timor


Oh, so can we walk past them


But shouldn't we be killing them. I mean, they are timor servants.


Looks like we need to use the City.


So after a while of looking for a door we have found one. Wish me luck.

"Please may I come through to go to glasgow" I say as I open the door. 

It's weird. I see a city. But not an empty one by any means. 

It's full of doors with people peering round.

except for one. That must be the door I'm looking for. But the minute I set foot in the room (If you can call it that) they all start running at me. Oh god, what if the city counts this as interfering.I need to get going. I'm through the door and.. 


So I just woke up. I basically fell. I forgot that doors can be anywhere. This one led out to the city chambers. Right over stairs. And I was running. So yeah, I  went flying down the stairs, got knocked out. Of course the archangel wasn't much help.


Oh' sorry


I was being sarcastic. Anyway so, time to look for this kid. What should I look for Archangel?


And what do they look like?


So if the empty city guides me on where to go, then they must be,

What was that?

It's humans. And



So we need to kill it's followers then it. 




So we have spent the past 6 hours finding weapons. The archangel has let me borrow his shotgun (Don't ask me when he got it, I haven't seen him at all this day, I have only seen him this morning and then he just writes in my journal. There's a computer here so I'll upload this right now and the rest of the journal entry tomorrow.

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