Friday, 5 July 2013

Thursday 1st January 2015 part 3.

So I've done what any logical human being would do. I am walking right up to it's front door. Apparently it's followers aren't dangerous, unless the child is in danger. So we decided to do the easiest option.

So we have been invited in for tea. They understand why I've got the shotgun on my back. Even followers are in danger. The child is upstairs. I have been thinking about how to get rid of it. I was thinking maybe turning on the gas and setting fire to it but turns out gas isn't working. Wait a minute, I have an idea.

So I'm upstairs. I can hear something moving, almost scuttling, around in  a room. I told them I needed the bathroom, time to go kill this kid.
It's fine, shoot it three times in the head and then use the city.
Don't tell me what I can and can't do.

Time to put my plan into action.
I just busted the door down. 
God this kid is scary.
3 shots to the head. I win
Who's laughing now archangel?
Erm, is that, regrowing, its holes
Oh god. 
Empty city, take me somewhere safe.
Where am I.
"You're in the corridor of lies" says a man in front of me.
He looks, dead. He has a clear bullet hole in his head.
And, what is that 
"This is the hall of doorways that lead to everyone's secrets."
Am I here?
"Yes" He says, extending his arm to a doorway.
May I go in?
"No, this is a secret you are hiding from yourself."
What do you mean
"The exit is the door marked behind me"
What do you mean.
He exits a door. I guess I better move on.

So apparently time is distorted in the empty city. One minute is like an hour. I only just arrived in what appears to be the basement of the house I was fighting the child in. It kinda reminds of narnia in that book. What was it called again. The tiger, the wizard and the closet or something? I never did like that series. So looks like the gunshots didn't kill it.
So what was the gun for?
Oh,okay. Guess I need to go upstairs. They're having dinner. I suppose I could get a knife from the kitchen to decapitate the child. But that would be hard. Wait, a pizza slicer. A very sharp one. Got my guillotine. Time to kill the humans and child. Ok. Aim  for their heads and, 3,2,1. Fire. Straight through the woman's head and into the man's. And now. Oh god, the child is faster than I thought. Up the stairs. Into the bathroom, lock the door. Ok, I'm safe. Oh god, it just burst an arm through the bathroom door. Stronger than I thought as well. Cm'on, poke your head through the hole. Here's tony (tony macaroni, pizza restaurant? tough crowd!) I swing the pizza cutter and her  head comes clean off. But yet it still looks at me for two seconds and then says
"Why is it so quiet" before dying. What does that mean?


I've set up camp in the house for the night. Archangel.
What did the man in the city mean by my secret
What do you mean
Ok, well I'm gonna call it an early night. 1st day of the apocalypse, completed.

Why is it so quiet?

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